Monday, February 9, 2009

I AM the horse!!

Forget getting back on the horse, I am the horse. I gained back all of my weight :( ALL of it, in 1 week. 5 pound gain in 1 week.
I'm hoping it is due to my medicine and my water increase. I've been drinking A LOT. I'm not going to get too upset though. I'm still following my WW plan (even though I definitely went off of it for a week or so) and I'm going to keep up with my fluids, but try to keep it to a minimum of 8 glasses a day. I was averaging about 15.

UGH!!!! I was so disappointed Saturday when I got on the scale!


BlondeJustice said...

I am glad you are feeling better. You are rockin the house with the weight loss and it will come off again once you completely get over your illness. YOU ROCK!!

Lisa said...

Hang in there! I gained weight this week, so I am frustrated, too! I am sure it will all come off when youre feeling better...glad to see youre getting back to normal. :)

Death by Cheeseburgers, Cheesecakes and