Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Being sick is the Devil!

I woke up yesterday morning and I'm sick. I have a sore throat, headache, stuffy. The medicines I'm taking are causing munchies. Last night I was so tired that I didn't feel like cooking. So I ordered chinese food, AGAIN! (I ate chinese on Friday). I only ate 1/2 of my meal so I don't think I did horrible... but I'm not exercising. I have absolutely no energy to do anything. I'm stressed about weight gain! Let's just hope I maintain this week and I don't blow it and gain back 3 pounds of the 5 i've lost. I'll be sad.

1 comment:

CindyLou said...

it's more important to be healthy than skinny so quit your bitchin. you'll be fine! like you say, slow and steady wins the race, but this isn't a race it's your life. there's always going to be something messin you up, just focus on getting rid of your illness, and then get back on the horse when you are feeling better, duh!

Death by Cheeseburgers, Cheesecakes and