Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's just 10 lbs. Lose it with me!!!

I don't know what to say.. I'm back again. LOL

I suck at dieting.

However, I have made solid plans to lose these last 10 lbs. Really, how hard can 10 lbs be? It is just 10 lbs. I am going to think of bathing suits and swimming pools. I am going to think of tan legs in a cute skinny dress.

Just 10 lbs. And Cindy is doing it with me. She technically didn't agree to it today.. but I'm going to make her.

Anyone else want to lose 10 lbs? That is my only goal right now. Just 10 lbs. I'm not thinking of 15 and I'm not thinking of 5.

10 lbs ya'll .. just 10 lbs. Jessica Simpson did it in like a day. It's just 10 freaking lbs.

Let's DO IT!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm back and at it again. I started yesterday. I'm still calorie counting, but I'm schedule eating.

10:00 - Breakfast
12:00 - Lunch
2:00 - Snack
4:00 - snack
8:00 - Dinner

I try and make each meal 200 calories or less so that when dinner time comes, I can have a normal meal.

Yesterday I ended up only eating 880 calories and I wasn't even hungry. I just kept enough food in my stomach to get me by.

Yesterday I had...

Breakfast - Yogurt - 100 cals
Lunch - Salad 150 cals
Snack - popcorn 100 cals
snack - Pudding 60 cals
Dinner - Lean cuisine and a bagel - 470

Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs - 140 cals
Lunch - Sandwich - 250 cals
snack - Yogurt - 100 cals
snack - popcorn - 100 cals
Dinner - hot dog, chips and salsa - 400 cals
Death by Cheeseburgers, Cheesecakes and