Monday, February 2, 2009

5.5 pounds total weight loss

So far, I've lost 1/3 of the weigh I'm planning to lose.

Average loss is about 5 pounds per month.

May 16, I should be looking awesome!


Lisa said...

sounds like youre doing great...which is great motivation for me, since today I was about to gnaw my arm off....thank goodness for those progresso soups that are only 2pts for, like, the entire can, otherwise I think I would die...
Youre doing awesome, cant wait to hear that you have reached your goal! :)

Jenn M said...

Your so right... Also, you can get the Campbells healthy harvest. The maryland crab is 2 points and I think the chicken noodle is 4 points. I eat a lot of soup. Also, snacking during the day is what helps me not over do it at dinner. I normally eat breakfast, then 2 hours later a snack, then lunch and then 2 hours later a snack. I do wheat ritz crackers (5 crackers for 1 point and laughing cow cheese (light) they have different flavors. The garlic and herb, and the french onion are really good. The 5 crackers and cheese triangle is a great 2 point snack.

Death by Cheeseburgers, Cheesecakes and