Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Screwed My Weekend UP SON!!!!

Yeah, so I ate everything.

I went to WV this weekend. I went to celebrate my bff's birthday :) My ride TO WV wasn't terrible. I didn't eat any fast food. I did however, eat a hamburger that evening. We grilled out.. so all in all.. Friday wasn't too bad.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday - they were absolutely HORRIBLE.. Terrible, disgusting, humiliating! Sunday I ate breakfast at this place called Tutors Biscuit World... I got what they call the "big tator" its hashbrowns with melted cheese and bacon and they serve it with a biscuit - I ate it! I also ate fast food that evening. We ate taco bell at like 11:00 at night.. oh, wait and thats after the 4 beers I had. So.. ruined! Sunday I woke up and had toast and mac n cheese for breakfast. I then had a sandwich and some crackers.. then dinner - Chinese buffet..
Monday.. I had a value meal "chicken tendercrisp sandwich" and fries on the way home. I then had a hot dog and chips when I got home and then speghetti and a piece of Chocolate Pie. OMG - YUK. Let's just say this morning I woke up and I feel like I gained about 5 lbs. My woman curse is coming tomorrow.. so I feel like a total nasty bloated house.. who hasn't gotten any kind of exercise and ruined the 4 lbs she did lose. It took me 2 weeks to lose about 5 lbs.. and 4 days to put it back on.
I'm not giving myself any excuses. I screwed up and didn't care about my body all weekend :(

So, today I started my day off with a nice warm cup of green tea - splenda to sweeten and a bowl of cereal. I will be having a can of soup for lunch (low sodium soup) and for dinner I'm thinking something small also. I also plan on gettin my walk on after work. I need to sweat the nastiness out of my body!

I hope everyone else did good this weekend.


CindyLou said...

I never do well on weekends! But I guess I didn't do as badly as you!

Roxanna said...

You will bounce back : )

BlondeJustice said...

We have all been there darlin'. Keep you chin up and take a laxative. ;)

Death by Cheeseburgers, Cheesecakes and